


Wood element represents the energy of motivation and growth and is associated with the emotion of anger.


The energy qualities of wood energy are strong, sturdy, with a strong sense to grow tall and achieve greater heights.


Defining characteristics of wood energy types are practical, efficient, independent, and leaders of change. Individuals with a dominant wood energy see the bigger picture, are often racing against the clock, and prefer to be in control.

Wood Element Out of Balance

Wood energy out of balance can lead to projecting our stress on others through angry outbursts or blaming and can lead to inflexibility in managing our stress. Much like the lion, wood energy types like to take charge, are bold and assertive, possess great confidence and are not afraid of conflict.

Wood Element to Find Balance

Opportunities to find balance include embracing the inner water element and allowing oneself to be vulnerable and feel emotions as they rise instead of powering through them. Embracing the qualities of the metal element to slow down and detach from work will aid against the work-a-holic tendency of wood energy.